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4 5 > Choose five of the 14 topics in this booklet. > Scan the QR code for each selected topic and watch the video. Don‘t forget to activate the subtitles in English. Complete the corresponding task. Also work on the spiritual impulse. > Now choose five practical tasks per topic that you plan and carry out alone, with a friend or with your family. > Complete these five tasks and record your progress on a medium of your choice. > Send or hand in your completed tasks to your teacher/supervisor. And so you move forward on your way to the goal. Dear student! You can become a PILGRIM SUS-MIND-EXPERT from today. SUS-MIND-EXPERT means an expert who is engaged in the field of SUStainability and who deepens and connects it with his MIND, with his own spirituality. This guide will help you do that. PILGRIM is an association of schools and universities that sees the world as a gift from God, bringing us fresh ideas on how to be mindful and respectful of creation. With this commitment you are also fulfilling the recommendations of the UN, which are formulated in 2015 in the 17 Environmental Goals for Sustainable Development.
Here you can enter your chosen topics and have the completed tasks confirmed by your supervisor: Topic: Topic: Topic: Topic: Topic: 6 7 Here you can write down what you noticed or became aware of while working on the individual topics.
8 9 Theme 1: WATER Source of life > Spiritual impulse Drink crystal clear water and thank the Creator for this precious gift. > Tasks 1. Reduce bathing and switch more to the shower 2. Inform yourself first about chemicals that are harmful to the environment, e.g. cleaning agents, and then, if possible, do without them 3. Show people how easy it is to save water (Have conversations about this with others) 4. Swim and experience the water as a gift 5. Do not leave water running when brushing your teeth or showering 6. When drinking, cooking, washing hands, etc., look up the approximate consumption values on the Internet and calculate the household‘s water consumption for a day and the consumption for one person 7. Consider how water consumption can be reduced. Implement at least one thing of it for a fortnight 8. Collect rubbish during a walk along a river 9. Visit a pond, observe the wildlife there and name all the animals and plants 10. Set up a rain barrel at home and water the plants with collected water > Working paper on the film Draw the water cycle and name the most important paths of water in nature. Give examples of how people change the course of water. „Clean drinking water is an issue of paramount importance because it is indispensable for human life and for the preservation of the ecosystems of earth and water.“ Laudato si FILM: How the Earth‘s water cycle works?
10 11 Theme 2: AIR Is it possible to live without it? > Spiritual impulse Listen to the piece of music „The Four Seasons“ by Vivaldi and try to identify the different sounds of the wind. > Tasks 1. Go for a walk in the park or the forest, leave the mobile phone at home and enjoy the air 2. Lie down in the meadow on a sunny day, breathe the air slowly and consciously 3. Go on a cycling trip with friends - do it without a car 4. Plant a tree if the opportunity arises; put a plant in a pot in a flat 5. Do not fire any fireworks this year on New Year‘s Eve or at other events 6. Breathe in deeply the refreshing scent of the forest 7. Cycle short distances instead of driving e.g.: cycle to school once a week 8. Inspire your own family for walks in nature 9. Go on holiday by train 10. Lie down in the meadow and listen to the chirping of the birds „It is possible to live two months without food and two days without water, but it is impossible to live a few minutes without air!“ Mahatma Gandhi > Working paper on the film Name areas where bad air has a negative impact. Name countries with severe air pollution. What effects does this have on people? FILM: Air - what is it made of?
12 13 Topic 3: ECOSYSTEMS A wonderful community „Ecosystems are great factories of life; if we influence their products, we lose quality of life. If we lose the ecosystems, we destroy ourselves!“ P. Juan Goicochea > Working paper on the film Describe in five sentences an ecosystem that is close to where you live. Try to name as many as possible animate and inanimate elements of this ecosystem FILM: What is an ecosystem? > Spiritual impulse Write a prayer to the Creator apologising for the destruction of ecosystems by humans. > > Tasks 1. Build an insect hotel 2. Consider: „What could a world without animals and/or plants look like?“ and draw a picture of it. 3. Make your own fertiliser (e.g. compost) 4. Take photos on a walk and then make a photo collage with the flowers and plants you have seen. 5. Build a small worm box, fill it with compost and observe the creatures that live in it 6. Get to know protected plants and animals 7. Write down five examples of how plants, animals and people are interconnected 8. Create your own ecosystem in a lockable jar 9. Build a dam at a brook near you and observe it for a few days, write short notes about it 10. Spend a day outdoors (e.g. on the balcony or in the garden) or organise a night walk to observe the wildlife
Theme 4: OCEANS They are full of life! 14 15 „All life on the continent depends on life in the oceans. That‘s where half the oxygen we need and much of our food is produced and the climate is regulated.“ Ian Poiner > Working paper on the film Explain why the different water masses that appear in the documentary mix only slowly. FILM: Why don‘t the oceans mix? > Spiritual impulse Listen to the sounds of fish (e.g. whales). You can find these recordings on the internet. > Tasks 1. Live „zero waste“ for a week 2. Return recyclable bottles for a deposit 3. Collect a bag of rubbish by the river or the sea 4. Do not buy plastic bottles for a week 5. Inform parents or siblings about the impact of plastic bottles 6. Support or organise peg collection in the class/school 7. Collect information about three organisations working for clean oceans; give a presentation about them in a subject (e.g. biology) 8. Calculate how long a plastic bottle thrown in the river near your home needs to reach the ocean 9. Research the most creative method for cleaning the oceans of plastic 10. Organise a stand at your school with a few friends to inform about pollution and cleaning of the oceans
Theme 5: AMAZONAS The Lung of the Planet 16 17 „All creation has its origin in God and speaks of God. We just have to learn to recognise the traces of God in creation and in everything and everyone.“ P. Juan Goicochea > Working paper on the film Use the video to explain why the Amazon is called „the lungs of the earth“ and is important for the whole world! Give four examples of how it is being destroyed and four projects that are saving the rainforest. FILM: The Lungs of the Earth > Spiritual impulse Write a personal letter to a specific indigenous people in the Amazon. > Tasks 1. Hug a tree 2. Obtain information about furniture made from local wood and opt for it if possible 3. Plant a tree and create a new habitat 4. Search for and write down information about what grows in the rainforest and who lives there 5. Invite your own family for a walk in the forest 6. Research how to support the Amazon sustainably 7. Research what environmental problems exist in rainforests 8. Buy a small part of the rainforest (e.g. rainforest of the Austrians), as a project with a group or with your class 9. Donate for an action against clearing the rainforest 10. Draw attention to the poor working conditions of people on the plantations in the Amazon region
Theme 6: ANIMALS Living beings like you and me 18 19 > Spiritual impulse Observe your pet or an animal of your choice and find five characteristics that fascinate you about this animal. You are invited to formulate a silent thank you. > Tasks 1. Eat organic meat from species-appropriate animal husbandry 2. Inform about species-appropriate animal husbandry 3. Interfere in animal cruelty 4. Research the advantages of keeping chickens in free-range systems as opposed to cages. 5. Minimise meat consumption for a fortnight 6. Avoid firecrackers and firecrackers on New Year‘s Eve because they scare animals 7. Give the gift of animal sponsorship to a friend or family member 8. Buy and use cosmetics that are not tested on animals 9. Use biodegradable agents against insects and weeds (household, garden) 10. Build an insect hotel with friends „Humans and animals have in common that they were created by God and that they received their life from the Creator. In this sense, animals are God‘s ‚fellow creatures‘ for us.“ P. Juan Goicochea > Working paper on the film Research which animals and plants are on the list of extinct species in Austria! FILM: Species extinction: How animals and plants disappear
Theme 7: FOOD God‘s gift and human reward Work 20 21 „A balanced and healthy diet promotes good health.“ P. Juan Goicochea > Working paper on the film Observe and record for one week how many kg of food end up in the organic waste at home. What can you personally do about it? FILM: Food waste: One third ends up in the rubbish > Spiritual impulse Cook a meal with one or more of your friends and hold a minute of silence before eating as a thank you. > Tasks 1. Prepare and say a prayer before the meal 2. Help the family while cooking and don‘t throw any food that is still edible 3. Organise food collection for people in need 4. Plant vegetables in the garden or on the balcony 5. Prepare your favourite meal from regional and seasonal products 6. Record monthly food expenditure und compile statistics 7. Do not buy food on the road, but prepare your own snacks for school 8. Research about fast food chains and think about why you should not necessarily support them 9. Find out about additives in products and their effects 10. Discuss in class whether the prices for products are fair
Topic 8: MINING God‘s gift and dangerous wealth 22 23 „Let us limit the consumption of mineral resources.“ P. Juan Goicochea > Working paper on the film Find out what precious metals are in your phone and where they are mined. FILM: Congo: Fight for Koltan > Spiritual impulse Climb a hill and marvel at a sunrise or sunset in nature. You are invited to formulate a silent thank you. > Tasks 1. Inform yourself about how many different metals are contained in a mobile phone and where they are mined 2. Pay attention to how to extend the life of a mobile phone 3. Think about what you can repair at home instead of throwing away equipment 4. Switch off devices when not in use 5. Launch an information campaign in school to save resources 6. A presentation in geography class on the topic of mining 7. Discuss both the positive and negative aspects of planned obsolescence (planned product death) in your lessons 8. Discuss environment in the biology lessons, the effects of mining 9. Calculate in maths lessons how long a smartphone is used on average in your class 10. Buy equipment that has been restored (refurbished)
Theme 9: WASTE Lost Wealth 24 25 „If you want to get to know a family better, go into their kitchen or bathroom and you‘ll know who they are!“ P. Juan Goicochea > Working paper on the film Follow the path of your waste. Where do the raw materials end up? (Check with your waste association!) FILM: Bangalore: India‘s Silicon Valley sinks into rubbish > Spiritual impulse Find a place where there is no rubbish and consciously enjoy this place. You are invited to formulate a silent thank you. > Tasks 1. Always separate waste conscientiously 2. Avoid packaging material when shopping, take your own bag with you 3. Dispose of hazardous waste (e.g. batteries) correctly 4. Avoid buying aluminium cans 5. Collect rubbish during a walk in the forest 6. Give five examples of how waste production can be reduced 7. Find out how long it takes for various parts of Rubbish to rot 8. Research where nuclear waste is stored in Europe 9. Research why waste production is so high in some countries 10. Bring old clothes to a collection container or second-hand shop instead of disposing them 11. Make something new from a waste product (e.g. a plastic bottle into a collector‘s tin)
Theme 10: PLASTICS We live on a „Plastic planet“ 26 27 „A clean city is not the one where the most cleaning is done, but the one where less pollution is done.“ P. Juan Goicochea > Working paper on the film Find out how water purification works in a sewage treatment plant. FILM: Plastic waste in the sea: How our oceans could be cleaned up > Spiritual impulse Philosophise about what the world could look like without plastic. Write down your thoughts. > Tasks 1. Use fabric and paper bags 2. Collect plastic waste so that microplastics do not end up in the water 3. Discuss with a friend about how you can help with the school supplies without plastic 4. Watch the film „Plastic-Planet“ to learn what can happen if we continue to use so much plastic 5. Use glass instead of plastic cups and straws 6. Take your own glass water bottle to school 7. Inform yourself about why the production of plastic is harmful 8. Use glass bottles instead of plastic bottles 9. Try to go without plastic for a day 10. Avoid „to-go“ products in plastic cups, such as coffee, for a fortnight
Topic 11: CLIMATE CHANGE Is it in our hands? 28 29 „You decide the future of the world“. Severn Cullis Suzuki > Working paper on the film Explain why global warming should not exceed 1.5°C (max. 2°C). FILM: Why it may only get 1.5 °C warmer > Spiritual impulse When you are in nature/forest/park/meadow, breathe deeply the good air. You are invited to formulate a silent thank you for it. > Tasks 1. Obtain more detailed information on global warming and the greenhouse effect 2. Information about the actions of politicians in our country against global warming; 3. Where can you observe the effects of climate change in your everyday life? 4. Determine the mood with regard to climate protection and talk about this topic at least with three people 5. Calculate your own ecological footprint ( 6. Possibilities for sustainable behavioural change in transport, nutrition or leisure 7. Save water at home; give examples of how to minimise consumption and implement some 8. Save electricity at home; name and implement some examples in the area of lighting, washing, heating, electrical and electronic appliances 9. Invite a speaker on the topic of climate change to the school 10. Reduce your digital footprint when it comes to the internet (writing emails, streaming films, etc.)
Topic 12: MOBBING Treat others as you would like to be treated! 30 31 „Remember that the one who attacks others is a person who lacks self-esteem, affection, principles, values and above all love“. P. Juan Goicochea > Working paper on the film Explain why whole groups often bully and how bullied people often behave. FILM: Bullying experiment: This is how quickly you become an outsider > Spiritual impulse Try to be friendly towards a person who sometimes makes life difficult for you. > Tasks 1. Talk to your family, friends and teachers about distressing things 2. Be respectful in the family, at school and with friends when talking about others 3. Listening, letting others finish and being respectful of others‘ opinions 4. Express criticism respectfully; describe situations in which that has succeeded 5. Stand up for someone who is being ridiculed and support him/her; intervene in cases of bullying and exclusion 6. Have you ever hurt or even bullied a person? What would you say to him/her today? 7. Watch a few anti-bullying posts or videos on the internet or on social media 8. Look at a photo of yourself and think about what you like most about yourself; this will increase your self-esteem 9. Speak for one day only positively/appreciatively about others 10. Choose a person in your class that you don‘t know well; what positive aspects do you notice about him/her?
Theme 13: RACISM We are all children of God 32 33 „Racism is definitely the most pronounced form of colour blindness!“ Oliver Mally > Working paper on the film Name areas where ‚whiteness‘ still has advantages and explain how to counteract this thinking. FILM: Racism and discrimination: Critical Whiteness – White Thinking > Spiritual impulse Think of people/friends/acquaintances from different cultures. You are invited to formulate a silent thank you for the enrichment of your life through them. > Tasks 1. Reflection on your own racist behaviour: consider whether you have ever insulted a person because they look different or have a different religion 2. Showing civil courage when confronted with racist prejudices; offer help to discriminated persons 3. Showing interest in people who are different and integrating them into the work group or circle of friends 4. Learning a greeting or „I like you“ in the language of fellow human beings with other first languages 5. Think up a sign for togetherness, create a picture for it 6. Offer help to a person with a different mother tongue to find their way around 7. Find out how many languages and religions are represented in your class; It is an enrichment! 8. Invite fellow human beings, e.g. from refugee families, and cook a dish from their country with them 9. Talking to people who are discriminated against, listening to them and support in difficulties 10. Research about Martin Luther King Jr. and give a presentation to the class
Theme 14: HUMAN RIGHTS The Rights of children 34 35 „One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world.“ Malala Yousafzai > Working paper on the film When was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights signed? Who formulated it? Name the most important sentence from this declaration and give reasons for your decision. FILM: Human rights explained in three minutes > Spiritual impulse Peace is a precious commodity. Formulate a prayer for peace and justice. > Tasks 1. Obtain information about temporary membership of Amnesty International 2. Talk with your family about the possibility of inviting a refugee 3. Read Nelson Mandela‘s short biography 4. Gather information on letter marathons to free innocent imprisoned journalists from their detention 5. Ask people with impairments if they need help 6. Engage with brand companies that violate human rights; minimise consumption of such products 7. Hold workshops with experts in the school and talk about Human Rights and human rights violations speak 8. Read through the Declaration of Human Rights and learn three human rights by heart 9. Reflect and write down all the privileges you have (hometown, gender, skin colour, etc.) 10. Research on children‘s rights in Austria: obtain information on implementation from children‘s and young people‘s ombudspersons in Austria
Compiled by PILGRIM teams of VBS Akademiestraße, BRG Purkersdorf in cooperation with the Centre „Education for Sustainable Development & Spirituality“ of the KPH Vienna/Krems and the International Education Network PILGRIM. Developed within the framework of the Erasmus+ project SysMind. NzM2NTQ=